Bill Payment

Ornate door

Payment Options

In addition to grants and scholarships along with student and parent education loans, other financing options are available.

​Monthly Payment Plan

Students may take advantage of the payment plan option to pay their charges over the course of a semester. The university does not charge interest for the deferred portion of the payment plan, although it does charge a nominal participation fee each semester.

Payment plans extend through the semester, and payment dates can be either the first or the fifteenth of each month. This allows for up to four payments in the fall semester, up to five in the spring semester, and up to three in the summer semester.

Authorized parents or guest users can sign up for this payment option in myHilltop through the Billing Center: Parent and Guest Login task, and students can sign up for it through the View/Pay My Bill—Student Access task.

Third-Party Billing

At a student's request, St. Edward's will bill employers or other entities (such as ROTC, Texas Workforce Commission, Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan, etc.) that pay for all or part of a student's tuition cost (this does not include family members who pay tuition costs on behalf of a student). Students who take advantage of this plan must submit documentation of their Third-Party's intent to pay before the start of each semester.

Third-party sponsors must be onboarded to receive credentials to submit Authorization Letters. To get set up, please get in touch with Kelsey McClure (

Outside Scholarships

Outside Scholarships are funds received from sources outside the University such as high schools, local community organizations, booster clubs, and local businesses. SEU has partnered with Backpack to facilitate online scholarship submission and payment.

Scholarships should be submitted through our online Scholarship Submission Portal. Scholarship providers can also make payments directly through this portal. Making payments online and upfront helps us improve the scholarship intake process and experience for everyone involved.

If you are a Scholarship Provider who regularly submits scholarships for multiple students each semester, please get in touch with Peter Beilharz ( to get set up for our bulk scholarship submission and payment process.

529 Plans

St. Edward's University has partnered with Backpack to provide a free, online payment method for your 529 plan. Backpack's platform is free to set up and use, and it is directly integrated into our Business Office so we know as soon as you initiate a payment. 

Please note that if you send a physical check from a 529, the address to send it to differs from below. 

Visit our 529 Payments Center for more information about how to pay tuition using your specific 529 plan. 

Forms of Payment

St. Edward's accepts the following forms of payment:

  • Electronic Check
  • Check
  • Debit Card – 2.85% processing fee will be assessed
  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express) – 2.85% processing fee will be assessed
  • Money Order
  • Cashier's Check
  • International Bank to bank wire payments through Western Union for International Payments

Payment Methods


Check, debit card, credit card, and bank wire payments may be made online through the Billing Center task located in the Billing and Financial Aid section of myHilltop. Please note that fees apply to credit card, debit card and bank wire transactions.

529 Plans

Please visit our 529 Payments Center for information on making tuition payments with your 529.

In Person

Payment by check, money order, or cashier check can be made during business hours at our office located in Main Building, room 204. 

By Mail

Checks or money orders should be sent to:

St. Edward's University
Student Financial Services
3001 S Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78704

International Payments

Payments from an international bank can be made through the Billing Center in myHilltop. Select the "Bank Wire" payment method to initiate a bank wire in US dollars via Convera, or select "Transfermate INTL" to use TransferMate to send a payment using local currency. Payments using an international credit card can be made using FlyWire directly on their website.  

You can also make payments in your own local currency and to a local bank account with TransferMate. TransferMate payments will go directly to the student account, and are an alternative to using the bank wire.

Payment in Full

  • Spring – due no later than Dec. 1
  • Summer – due no later than May 1
  • Fall – due no later than Aug. 1

Monthly Payment Plans (MAPP)

  • Spring – sign up for a payment plan by December 1st (available installment options are the 1st or the 15th of the month) 
  • Summer – sign up for a payment plan by May 1st (available installment options are the 1st or the 15th of the month) 
  • Fall – sign up for a payment plan by August 1st (available installment options are the 1st or the 15th of the month) 

Past Due Accounts

Any balance owed to St. Edward’s after a semester is complete is considered past due and subject to assignment to an outside collector. This involves an additional cost to the student who may also face litigation and have to pay any attorney’s fees and court costs. At the university’s discretion, students who have a past-due balance may be barred from registration.

Any charges incurred after these payment deadlines are due within two weeks. After September 15 for fall, February 1 for spring, and June 15 for the summer, students with past due balances greater than $500 will be assessed a late payment fee of $75. Students participating in the monthly payment plan with a past due installment greater than $500 will be assessed a late payment plan fee of $25. This late fee will be assessed 15 days after each late scheduled installment. Late fees apply even if a student intends to apply for financial aid to cover the past due balance. 

Late Tuition Payment Penalty Exceptions 

Late fees will not be assessed under the following circumstances:

  • The student has pending financial aid, such as an outside scholarship or an approved student or parent loan that covers the balance in full. Aid that cannot be disbursed due to incomplete paperwork will not be considered as pending financial aid.
  • The student has a pending third-party authorization on their account (indicated by some type of Third Party Authorization Form) covering the balance. Students with third- party sponsorships are required to turn in all documentation by the payment deadline. Without proper paperwork, St. Edward’s University cannot invoice a third-party sponsor. Students that do not have all the sponsorship documentation turned in by the 12th class day will be assessed a late payment fee.
  • The student is a Veteran’s Assistance recipient, has turned in the proper tuition assistance form to the university, and has paid the remaining balance due, if any. Veteran’s Assistance documentation is required by the payment deadline.

St. Edward’s University has partnered with Allianz Global Assistance to offer GradGuard, a tuition insurance plan, to our students and their families. Tuition insurance helps overcome the financial losses that may result from a withdrawal due to medical events. This covers instances including accidents, injury, illness, mental disorders, or the death of the tuition payer. 

We recommend that all of our students and families consider getting tuition insurance. Having this plan expands the scope of our current refund policy by offering reimbursement for tuition, housing, and other fees due to covered withdrawals. It can help you overcome financial losses if a student must withdraw from school after classes begin.

In addition to covering financial losses, the plan also includes a 24-hour, 365-day hotline offering emergency assistance for both students and parents.

Tuition Insurance is optional, and purchased directly with GradGuard.  We believe it is important our students and families have access to affordable protection for their major investment in higher education. Protect your education and future today.

Note: Tuition insurance must be paid in full prior to the first day of classes each term. The Academic Calendar lists the official “Course Begin” date for the term of coverage.

Sign Up for Tuition Insurance

Student Accounts Staff

Dir. Student Accounts
Office: Main Building 204
Email Peter
Office Spec VI Bursar
Office: Main Building 204
Email Gracie
Assist. Dir. of Student Accts
Office: Main Building 206B
Email Kelsey